Elusive Muse is pleased to introduce visual artist Carl Baratta.
Each image is approached as a cog to a larger clockwork in the studio. I shift images on the studio wall around and hang different paintings and drawings of mine to reveal new aspects of an image so that I can see what about it I love more clearly. This activity alongside reading different stories from various mythologies and ancient poetry inform each composition. Everything is self-lit frankensteined bits of doodles, visual puns, paint mistakes, and popular and unpopular culture references trying desperately to shed light on their strange surroundings. The new work employs tonal shifts from the blushing and constricting color of Indian miniatures and the undulating shifts in temperature of the Fauves undulating and expressive line work. I am constantly investigating different ways of compressing multiple moments into a single scene, a common conceit of manuscript, alchemy and Sienese imagery. It is my intention to create drama within the construction of spatial shifts, clashing color palettes, nameless characters, and strange landscapes to create a sense of mystery and drama. Ultimately I wish to express what I love about looking at all the images I come across so that the viewer will be as excited about them as I am. I live and work in Los Angeles.
~ Carl Baratta
To learn more about Carl or to see more of his work visit
his website at www.carlbaratta.com
©2015, All Rights Reserved, Carl Baratta