One morning last week I was perusing the seemingly endless supply of images on Pinterest, while sipping my morning coffee and day dreaming about having more free time to explore my passion for art making , when I discovered the beautiful work of Juanan Requena. Although there is certainly never a shortage of inspiring images on Pinterest, every so often you stumble upon an image that truly moves you and prompts you to want to learn more about the artist who created it. This is how I felt when I discovered Juanan’s work. I knew that I was looking at something special and wanted to know more.
When I got to his website, I found Juanan’s huge collection of journals as well as a link to his vimeo page where he shares each and every beautiful page on video. I was literally exploring for hours and could barely pull myself away from the computer. I so wish I could experience his work in person. His handmade books and his lightboxes are so magical. I would love to hold every one of them.
I contacted Juanan to ask if I could share his work with you, and was so thrilled when he said yes. If you would like to see even more of his work or learn more about him, you can visit any of the links below.